Golomt Bank initiated the “Genesis of Heritage and Culture“ historical and archeological project and started its implementation in cooperation with the Institute of Archeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) in 2022.
The first activity within the project framework, archaeological excavations and research works at locations of the Wang Khan’s Palace of Khereids or the ruins of Turgeny Balgas-Tuul "Khar Tune Ord" historical place were successfully completed.
The cooperation is not limited to this project, and in the future, we will work together and support other archeological projects for the preservation and protection of Mongolia's historical and cultural immovable monuments and physical heritage, researches; develop research activities according to the methodology; and promote cultural heritage worldwide. Due to shortage in funding, the Institute of Archeology of the MAS usually has been carrying out excavations and research works in cooperation with foreign organizations, but now, the Mongolian private sector joined the forces, and Golomt Bank became the first investor in this field.
“Heart Never Forgets” project
Golomt Bank’s Altantulkhuur Children’s Fund has been supporting the “Heart Never Forgets” project since 2020. The Project Team gave life to thousands of children in Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tuva by conducting examinations, diagnosis, and surgery.
Golomt Bank not only provides financial support to the Project every year, but also provides other necessary assistance. In result of cooperation, 40,000 children have been examined and diagnosed; and more than 1200 children have been successfully operated.
The Project Team initially planned to operate on 44 children per year, but our cooperation resolved financial and other issues at a certain extent, and the number of operations per year increased to 350-360.
Student Scholarship program
Golomt Bank, a supporter of education, successfully implemented "100 Students Scholarship Program" within the framework of social responsibility in 2003.
As of 2022, more than MNT 1 billion scholarships were granted to 1,800 students in 15 branches of more than 50 universities and colleges. In addition to awarding scholarship to students, the Program provides them with the opportunities to work as a research student, join the “G-Student” Club, learn and develop as a club member, engage in community activities, and enhance their knowledge and skills.
The program continues to support students’ desire to learn, reward their hard work, and contribute to the future development of their country as valuable citizens and professionals.
Morin Khuur Ensemble of Mongolia
To preserve the cultural heritage and promote the traditional Mongolian art, Golomt Bank has been working as an official partner and general sponsor of the Morin Khuur Ensemble of Mongolia for the last 12 years.
During this time, the Morin Khuur Ensemble has established a reputation domestically and on the world stage. It has produced thousands of high-quality works that thousands of people have appreciated.
The Morin Khuur Ensemble celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2022, and during the period of cooperation the Ensemble has performed more than 35 concerts.