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Main directions we support
“Genesis of Heritage and Culture” project
Golomt Bank initiated the “Genesis of Heritage and Culture“ historical and archeological project and started its implementation in cooperation with the Institute of Archeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) in 2022.

The first activity within the project framework, archaeological excavations and research works at locations of the Wang Khan’s Palace of Khereids or the ruins of Turgeny Balgas-Tuul "Khar Tune Ord" historical place were successfully completed.

The cooperation is not limited to this project, and in the future, we will work together and support other archeological projects for the preservation and protection of Mongolia's historical and cultural immovable monuments and physical heritage, researches; develop research activities according to the methodology; and promote cultural heritage worldwide. Due to shortage in funding, the Institute of Archeology of the MAS usually has been carrying out excavations and research works in cooperation with foreign organizations, but now, the Mongolian private sector joined the forces, and Golomt Bank became the first investor in this field.
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